Thursday, September 1, 2011





Can you hear that?? Those are the cries of your friends, associates, family members, co-workers, colleagues, enemies, pastors, teachers, professors and leaders for someone to NOTICE that they are hurting. The only reason they're acting the way they are is because they need someone to say to them:

"Hey, I see you and I know that things are not as well as you want them to be right now but you're not alone. You've got a friend in me who will listen to you and try to understand where you are and how you're feeling. And even though I may not be able to provide you with a solution, I can hold your hand throughout the process and lend you my shoulder for you to cry on. I can give you my ears and be patient with you when you're acting out of your frustration because I know that you're having a tough time. Not that I'm going to baby you, but I will be a friend to you. Why you ask?? Because truth be told, I'm hurting too. And I need someone to do for me what I'm doing for you. I'm honestly hoping that being strong with and for you will open the door for someone to see that I'm a little weak myself and need the strength of another to help me through. Can you hear me?? Can you see me?? Please. Help me."

Don't feel guilty and start tweeting about how sad and sorry you are when you find out that someone you know is now gone after YOU were one of the ones they reached out to for help while you ignored their cry for being blinded by your own eyes. It's too late. YOU'RE too late. Stop being so damn selfish. We ALL need someone.

Pay attention.

You could be the help that you're looking for. What goes around...